Mission Pics

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Pastor Paul teaches Chapel at VBCI
The Victory Bible College International Building in Sriracha
Our friends Ron Miller, Ronnie, and Chaloom (last week at Chiang Rai)

It's 6:30am on Thursday here and we're getting ready for the longest day we'll ever have. We'll be teaching 1 Timothy chapter 4 at Victory Bible College this morning, then after we have lunch with them, we'll say good bye to the students and staff there. At about 3:00pm we'll drive back up to Bangkok for our 7:30pm flight home. After about 15 hours, we'll arrive at LAX at about 9:30pm local time, but it will still be THURSDAY evening! Then we drive home to arrive around 4:00am in Phoenix.

What a wonderful experience: exhausting and challenging, but wonderful to meet and bless all these brothers and sisters here in the "outer reaches". Again, THANK YOU for joining with us in prayer and allowing us to go! See you this weekend at Calvary and Grace Community Churches!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for His gracious and faithful fulfillment of all of the prayers lifted up for you 3 and the students/friends you met. God bless you for the commitment to this rich and valuable outreach; the wisdom you imparted from God’s Word has to have changed those who heard. I thank God and praise Him for the life-time blessings all 3 of you have and will be in the lives for those disciples who will now become the guides on the path to Christ as others know our Lord. Thanks for the blog updates, pictures, and most of all, welcome home, you were definitely missed and needed.
