Mission Pics

Sunday, March 25, 2012


On the last day of the conference, our friend Ajarn Ling (Ajarn means pastor or teacher) took us to his village and showed us the two churches he pastors there. To say their living conditions are "humble" is hardly a true picture. We saw some girls taking a bucket shower outside in the middle of the village at the water tank. The upside is that the clothes they were wearing got washed too!

However, one of the two church buildings they get to use is really nice. It was built on the top of a little hill by Korean Christians who have built hundreds of them in various villages and then just leave them.  (The little cross to the right is neon - very cool!)

1 comment:

  1. Truly guys, thanks for the pictures and the information on your journey. It means so much to feel a part when you can actually see and read what is happening. Blessings!
