Mission Pics

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Wow. Just 2 days and we'll be on a plane to Thailand! No - I'm not ready, not packed, and not over the cold I've been fighting. (Really Jesus - a cold? Now?) Maybe the Hmong will be super impressed with my "basso profundo" radio voice. Well, it will be another week before we're teaching up in Chiang Khong, so I should be OK by then.
THANK YOU so much for praying for us! - Pastor Dan

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you guys and especially for the pastors that are coming; particularly the folks from Vietnam. WOW! Pastors from Vietnam; training pastors from Vietnam is like some 1960' era psychedelic Clockwork Orange mindblower experience! Hey Pastor Dan, ask Pastor Paul for an interpretation; he's older and he knows. Actually my thought is what a wonderful and gracious Lord we serve to use 3 Americans to train a former foe in the fullness of His truth from His Word. I think that is a ginormous thing to see in my life-time. What a great opportunity and out-reach; to say nothing of the ministry challenges God is using you for in Thailand.
