Mission Pics

Monday, March 26, 2012


Pastor Paul strikes a contemplative pose
After all our teaching on Grace, we couldn't resist being a little naughty
This is the view from our hotel in Bangkok
Between teaching the Hmong Pastors up in Chiang Khong last week and the students at Victory Bible College outside Bangkok next week, we have a few days to rest and regroup. We visited some magnificent gardens at Doi Tung (Flag Mountain) and now have the weekend in Bangkok before we start teaching again.

Even here we're doing a little work. We visited with Molly Evans, a missionary here in Bangkok from Grace Community Church. Molly is enduring a very rough life for her 6-month internship reaching out to needy immigrants and exploited children. We're also doing some preparation for the classes and messages we'll teach next week.

THANKS FOR PRAYING! We're all doing well and God is blessing our ministry so far.

1 comment:

  1. Bless you and praise God His gift allowing you guys to be an encouragement to Molly Evans. Faces from home do so much to support and strengthen a missionary warrior. Hebrews 6:10 to Molly and your troup.
