Mission Pics

Friday, July 26, 2013


Pastor Mark and Laurie Smith of Grace Community Church are missionary veterans

Along with Laurie, Debbie Hayes & Linda Holgate will teach the Hmong women

Who's tallest? I actually think Pastor Mark was standing uphill
It's just 2 weeks before we leave for Thailand! The team gathered in Flagstaff to pray and plan the teaching sessions for the 5-day conference. (What, you thought we'd meet in Phoenix in the summer? We're smarter than that!) We'll teach 12 sessions, and during some of them the wives of the Hmong leaders will gather with our wives for their own sessions.  PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PREPARATION! Some of the Hmong Pastors will travel for 3 days to get to the conference and we want the Holy Spirit to richly bless them.


  1. Hey! There's no comments here yet:
    Wow! What a great outreach; God bless you for going to help the church in such a remote place.

  2. God bless you guys as you serve our great Savior in Thailand! :-)
