Mission Pics

Monday, August 12, 2013


The soccer field at Baan Immanuel had flooded with all the rain and some of their fish had escaped the  overflowing ponds 
Som Sat and his new wife (expecting! see that smile?)
Annie with baby Irene at Baan Immanuel

Pi-Ba Thay at the Lahu orphanage

Ba Thay's wife Anna making lunch
Pi-Ba Thay, Anna and "Ford" who was born in one of their cars

This is the tractor that a family from Calvary purchased for Baan Immanuel
We spent the first weekend reconnecting with friends and visiting some of the tribal orphanages connected with Baan Immanuel. It was great to see everyone again! After over 20 years in ministry, several of the kids who have grown up with Pi-Ron have returned to their villages and oversee orphan outreaches there. 

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