Mission Pics

Saturday, August 17, 2013


The Hmong can PRAY and SING! They are enthusiastic at both
This is Peng, one of our Hmong interpreters

This is Bashua, a Hmong elder and evangelist - she turned 96 this year
This is our 3rd year with the Hmong and we're getting to know some of them better and also meeting new people. Bashua, the Hmong "elder" woman turned 96 this year and she still travels around making disciples and evangelizing. She was just as eager this year, taking notes and following along. 

We got more information about the Hmong who were arrested at the border as they traveled home. It was 20 of them, not just 10 and that included women and children. Bashua was one of them. They spent about six hours in jail and had all their Christian materials confiscated. I can't imagine all the notes that must have been in Bashua's Bible. Also, it was not just 7,000 baht that got them released; it was 25,000 baht - a little over 800 dollars. The Hmong leaders felt they needed to take responsibility and came up with 18,000 THB themselves. We realized later that must have been the money we'd given them as gifts and reimbursement for their work organizing the conference. They had to ask us for the 7,000 that they were short. 

And then our brother Som Sat called and had to talk to each of us in turn at the airport today to apologize over and over for the Hmong having to ask us for the additional money. (Please! We only gave them about $200 extra for that - we were frankly ashamed and awed by their selfless care for each other.) 

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