Mission Pics

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Former Goodyear man Pastor Paul takes charge as Pastor Mark supervises
Had to use a combination of tools from the two vehicles, but we got the job done
On our way to Chiang Khong, we were following Ron Miller, who had a load of Hmong song books in his truck. It was pouring rain off and on when we saw Ron pulling off the road. We said "oh look, he's got a flat tire!" But Ron didn't know he had a flat; he just happened to be pulling off to see if the books were getting wet. As we pulled over, the tire went completely flat. It had apparently just burst on one of the many pot holes we'd been hitting. 

Neither Ron nor we would have realized anything was wrong until the tire completely failed. Thank The Lord for intervening to keep us safe!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, God is so amazing. Praying, praying, and praying some more!
