Mission Pics

Saturday, August 17, 2013


The Hmong women were excited to pick out their gifts
There were enough for 2 each! One woman gave one of hers to Kendra, who was  there with us  while  visiting Ron
Our official Hmong coats
Getting ready to leave Chiang Khong
Our last day with the Hmong was sweet and sad. The ladies presented the Hmong women with gifts; scarves and blankets donated by the women of Calvary and Grace. They were very happy and grateful for such a token of love. The Hmong leaders gave us all traditional tribal coats and said "now you're all  Hmong". It was difficult to get away as they all wanted to give us hugs.

Later we learned that ten of the Hmong from Laos were arrested going back over the border. We knew someone with influence (plus $7,000 baht) and got them released after about 6 hours but all their notes, new songbooks and Bibles were confiscated. The others from that region waited an extra day to cross. It's good that we had just taught them about suffering and rewards for following Jesus!

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