Mission Pics

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Pastor Mark gets help from a volunteer
Linda had a great response from the Hmong women
In their culture, there is almost nothing offered to women; they were eager to  learn
What a week! We had to rent extra rooms because so many Hmong came to the conference. Even then, they were sleeping at least ten in rooms designed for four. These are all Hmong Christian pastors, elders and leaders, and they are hungry for the Word and for help in pastoring the churches. We estimate that the 200 leaders represent over 55,000 believers in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

This year was very different because our wives are teaching the Hmong women. They are so sweet and responsive; they are quick to pray for each other and worship with great zeal. While the women were in their sessions, the men (mostly pastors themselves) were very intent on the teaching and direction we brought. 

This is already the morning of our last day with them (Thursday). We will have done 12 sessions total, and they do hours of worship together besides that. Last night, we asked anyone who wanted special prayer (although in a language they didn't know) to stand. Everyone in the room stood. We prayed for all of them. Then they had us stand in front and they prayed for all of us. Then they all walked past and gave us big hugs. Paul Hayes cried. 

It will be hard to leave them this afternoon. We have a couple sessions left and then we'll present gifts to them, and especially to those who have worked hard to organize the conference. It's been a rough week with the heat/humidity and all the sitting. Most of us have swollen legs and feet. The mattresses in the hotel are what we'd call box-springs, so that doesn't help, but we're so exhausted each night we sleep anyway. What a wonderful opportunity this has been to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ!

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