Mission Pics

Friday, September 5, 2014


Everything is amazingly green - it rains just about every day
Linda in a Lahu village
Laos is just across the Mekhong River from Chiang Khong
A giant green Buddha faces the highway
Today we took the beautiful drive from Chiang Khong back to Chiang Rai. Because it's been raining almost everyday, the countryside is lush and green. The rain has kept it cooler, only about 85 degrees, but with 50-80% humidity it feels like 110. Most of the Hmong came across from Laos, a gorgeous country, but one of the worst persecutors of Christians.

It was fun to drive a stick shift again; however, since you drive on the left, the truck is right hand drive which means you shift with your left hand. The turn signal stalk is also reversed, so we keep turning on the wipers when we're trying to signal. :/


Dan teaches with help from our interpreter Apisit

Praying for a sick Hmong woman
Paul takes a selfie

Two of our sessions were Q & A
Paul tries unsuccessfully to refuse Bashua's gift of 100 baht
The worship and teaching has been great this week. We were teaching them about ministry and service this year and they all were responding enthusiastically. Bashua, the 90 year old woman who smuggles Bibles into Laos (guards don't pay attention to an old woman), insisted on giving each of us $100 baht (just over $3.00). Yes, if you're wondering, she did make us cry.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Debbie, Linda and their interpreter, Pang
There were about 45 women at the conference
This is Bashua; she's another story in herself
The Hmong women received jewelry gifts
There is another conference going on along with the Pastor's training; a women's conference. Debbie Hayes and Linda Holgate led four sessions with the Hmong women. We started this for the women last year, and this time, we could see a lot of growth and interest in them. The Hmong ladies were very happy with the gifts of jewelry that the women of Calvary had made for them.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The Conference Center in Chiang Khong
We think there were about 100 on the first day
As always, the Hmong were very attentive
We accomplished the two hour drive to Chiang Khong on Monday, and Pastor Paul did a good job of staying on the correct (left) side of the road in the 2nd truck. It's a bit more complicated than that actually; you don't really wait for a break in oncoming traffic to pass in Thailand, just a wide spot in the road where everyone can squeeze by (it's quite exciting sometimes).

The Hmong were very happy to see us again and so far they are again loud and vigorous in worship and seriously focused during the teaching. So far, we've finished 3 of 10 sessions and everything is going very well. We appreciate the prayer support! There have been a few instances where we know that we're facing tremendous opposition, and the Hmong are also.