Mission Pics

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Our friends Pi Jalay and Pi Leah live in this Lahu village
This is their church in the village
They happened to be meeting when we visited
Pi Ron and Pi Jalay
At Baan Immanuel
We arrived safely after about 27 hours in airports and planes. After dinner we slept for about 12 hours and were good to go! It's been raining here in the morning and afternoon; a welcome break from the heat. Today we visited Pi Jalay and Pi Leah, our friends who used to be at Baan Immanuel but have moved to a Lahu village to minister to them. We happened to come when they had a teacher from the Baptist foundation doing a discipleship service. That was fun even though we only had a few parts translated for us.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


We are taking gifts for the Hmong women and the kids
The Married Couples Class ladies made the jewelry
Fun and Fellowship
Everyone was happy to help
Last year we took scarves for all the Hmong wives and they were thrilled to be honored that way. This year many of the women in our Married Couples Class got together to make jewelry for them. Dwight, a brother in the class, made 'survival' bracelets for all the boys and girls at Baan Immanuel. This whole outreach is a family project - the team, the gifts, the prayer support and everyone who supports Calvary!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


While our time will be mainly in cities, most of the Hmong come from rural villages 
We've spent weeks preparing our lessons, gathering supplies and shopping for a hot and humid trip. Now it's just four days before we head for the airport on Wednesday.